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007 Great Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) Lesvos Lesbos Greece GR April 2011 ccp2

Great Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) (Library photograph)

Cambridgeshire bird news June 2024

A Great Reed Warbler was at the Ouse Fen RSPB on Crane’s Fen until 22nd. A Golden Oriole was singing at Wicken Fen 7th.


A Montagu’s Harrier flew over Cambridge 1st. A female Ferruginous Duck was at Colne Fen GPs 16th.


A Black-winged Stilt was on the Ouse Washes at Witcham Gravel 8th- 12th, Berry Fen 25th, and two were at Maxey GPs 22nd and at Smithey Fen 24th-28th.


A Black Tern was at Witcham Gravel 8th-9th and then nearby at RSPB Ouse Washes and a Black Tern was at Ferry Meadows 6th. Four Common Scoter were at Grafham Water 4th and another one was there 17th.


A Glossy Ibis flew north-west over Barleycroft Lake 6th, two Glossy Ibises were at Maxey Pits 24th, and a single at Ouse Fen RSPB 9th and Eldernelll 17th.

Birdline East Anglia


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