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336 Great Northern Diver (Gavia imme) Dorset April 2024 ccp2 crs 130dpi.jpg

Great Northern Diver (Library photograph)

Cambridgeshire bird news February 2025

A female Ferruginous Duck was at RSPB Fen Drayton from 17th. Two Glossy Ibises were at Peakirk 3rd and another flew over Hilton 28th.


Up to two Great Northern Divers were at Grafham Water and another was at Beeby’s BPs 12th-22nd. Single Glaucous Gulls were at RSPB Ouse Fen Lockspit’s Mere 1st-9th, Smithey Fen 4th and Cottenham 6th.


Two Tundra Bean Geese were just north of RSPB Nene Washes until 2nd and another was at Kingfishers Bridge 1st. A drake Smew was at Meadow Lane GPs, St Ives 16th. A Garganey was at Burwell Fen 2nd & 22nd and the Cam Washes 7th.


Up to two Black Redstarts were at Waterbeach until 17th and singles were at Beeby’s BPs 2nd & 6th, CEGB Reservoir 2nd, Yaxley 2nd, Peterborough City Hospital 4th, Litlington 5th and Northstowe 18th & 20th.

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